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Cuban Medical Appeal

18 April 2013

Branch appeal for funds to assist two Havana Medical Science University teachers.

Dear colleague,

Cuban Medical Appeal

We are writing to you to ask your branch/local association to make a contribution in response to the following appeal:

The University of Edinburgh has agreed to provide free English language tuition and subsistence to two university teachers from the Havana Medical Science University. Unfortunately, the university is unable to meet travel costs which will amount to around £2,000.

As you may know, Cuban Medical Schools provide free medical education to around 23,000 international students, drawn mainly from third world countries, all of whom are expected to return to work as doctors in their countries and communities of origin.   Before doing so, many of them participate in Cuban medical aid missions sent abroad to countries like Haiti and Pakistan in response to natural and humanitarian disasters.

Last year, a number of senior officers of UCU visited (at their own expense) the Latin American Medical School in Havana and can vouch for the magnificent international aid and solidarity work being undertaken by this and other institutions.

The improvement of English language skills will be of immense value to the staff concerned in communication with students for whom Spanish is not the first language and in undertaking medical aid work in non-Spanish speaking countries.

I hope that you and your branch/LA will respond positively and generously to this appeal for funds.

Cheques should be made payable to UCU and sent to Rob Copeland at HQ. Please can you send in any cheques by no later than 31 May 2013.

In addition, a collection for the Cuban Medical Appeal will be made at UCU Congress, and the union will match the proceeds from national funds.

Yours sincerely,

Sally Hunt, General Secretary
Kathy Taylor, President
Alan Carr, Honorary Treasurer

Last updated: 7 December 2015
