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Reasonable adjustments: supporting members, 22, January 2025, Online, South West

This course is for reps and activists involved in their local branch who want to learn more about supporting members around reasonable adjustments. This course will give you the knowledge and skills to support individuals through the process, along with looking at how positive changes can be made through organising and campaigning.

Representing courses

Course details

Nation/region:South West
Course meeting dates: 22 January 2025

Please ensure you can attend the entire course prior to submitting your application  form. Please further ensure you have secured time off from your employer to attend.
Course meeting times:9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.with regular breaks
Course time commitment:6 - 10 hours including pre & post course work

Course content

The course will cover the following:

  • What is a reasonable adjustment
  • The law and how it applies
  • Setting out the case for reasonable adjustments
  • Analysing workplace policies
  • Campaigning and organising 
  • Promoting good practice
  • Negotiating with the employer 

There is no requirement to have attended any UCU reps training prior to this course however, a solid understanding of your local branch bargaining machinery will be essential. If you are a new rep or an  interested activist and would like to attend this course please contact your branch chair or secretary to discuss how your branch negotiates policy with the employer. It is important that your branch are aware you wish to attend this course.

UCU courses are funded via members' contributions and public funding.

Information Facility time

Time off for training is a right and one which should be exercised as part of normal industrial relations. For more info please see  Facilities and time off for UCU reps.

Facility time will not apply to those who are not elected UCU Reps 

When you apply for a course we will assume that are making a commitment to attend the course as advertised, and have secured time off from your employer. Please contact your branch/region if you are having problems securing time off.

Please note that this course is not funded via a college using the education and skills funding agency adult education budget so any note about providing identification details is not relevant.