UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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UCU CSR 2007 submission section 03, published September 2006
UCU reponse to the Office for Students consultation on a new regulatory framework for HE in England, submitted December 2017
UCU response to the DfE consultation on strengthening QTS and teacher development, submitted March 2018
UCU response to the parliamentary education select committee inquiry into prison education: are prisoners being left behind?, January 2021
UCU response to the UK government consultation on how GCSE, AS and A level grades should be awarded in summer 2021
UCU response to the UK government consultation on alternative arrangements for the award of VTQs and other general qualifications in 2021
UCU's response to the UK government's review into post-qualification admissions. May 2021
Joint UCU, AoC & SOS-UK letter urging the government to invest in a retraining revolution in FE, Jul 20
UCU's response to the UK government's review into the Initial Teacher Education market, September 2021
UCU response to the UK government consultation on the National Skills Fund for England, September 2021
UCU response to the UK government consultation on reforms to further education funding and accountability, October 2021
A response from UCU to the government review of post-18 education and funding
UCU response to the DfE consultation on FE funding and accountability, 21 September 2022
UCU response to the review of post-16 qualifications at level 2 and below in England, Oct 22
Written evidence submitted by UCU to the UK parliamentary education select committee inquiry into the future of post-16 qualifications, January 2022
Report on UCU research into prison education submitted as evidence to Ofsted, March 2022
Joint trade unions FE England pay claim for 2023-24, submitted to the employers on 17 March 2023
UCU response to the UK government's consultation on higher education policy and reform in England, May 2022
UCU response to the UK government's consultation on the new Lifelong Loan Entitlement in England, May 2022
Raising expectations: staying in education and training post-16, DFES Green Paper: UCU response, May 07
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