UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Raising expectations: staying in education and training post-16, DFES Green Paper: UCU response, May 07
Personalising further education - developing a vision: UCU response, Feb 07
Professionalisation of the learning and skills sector: UCU response, Jun 06
Raising standards, improving life chances: UCU FE white paper response, Jul 06
Raising standards, improving life chances: UCU FE white paper response, Jul 06
Proposed changes to the FE college instruments and articles of governance: UCU response
Proposed changes to FE college instruments and articles of governance, UCU response
Prison education select committee inquiry, UCU submission executive summary, Dec 06
HEFCE single equality scheme - UCU response to consultation, Oct 06
Development of the Framework for Excellence - a comprehensive performance assessment framework for the FE system, UCU response, Oct 06
Pursuing Excellence: an outline improvement strategy for the FE system, UCU response, Oct 06
Specialist diplomas, select committee inquiry: UCU submission, Jan 07
World class skills in a demand-led system: UCU response, Mar 07
Draft regulations on continuing professional development (CPD) and FE principals' qualification (PQ): UCU response, May 07
Review of the teaching funding method: HEFCE second consultation, UCU submission, Apr 07
The future of quality assurance - review: UCU response, Mar 10
The future of quality assurance - review: UCU response, Mar 10
BIS review of offender learning - UCU response, Oct 10
UCU response to the HEFCE REF consultation: 'Consultation on draft panel criteria and working methods', Oct 11
UCU response to the HEFCE consultation: 'Teaching funding and student number controls', Oct 11
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