UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Pursuing Excellence: an outline improvement strategy for the FE system, UCU response, Oct 06
Specialist diplomas, select committee inquiry: UCU submission, Jan 07
Northern Ireland Assembly - sub-group on economic challenges: UCU comment, Oct 06
World class skills in a demand-led system: UCU response, Mar 07
UCU submission to the inquiry into international policies and activities of the research councils, May 07
The Equalities Review, Interim report for consultation: UCU response
Response from UCU to the consultation on the Skills Strategy Equality Impact Assessment
UCU response to the consultation exercise from the Commission on Integration and Cohesion
UCU response to the consultation exercise from the Commission on Integration and Cohesion
Draft regulations on continuing professional development (CPD) and FE principals' qualification (PQ): UCU response, May 07
UCU submission to the education and skills select committee inquiry into the Bologna process, Dec 06
Review of the teaching funding method: HEFCE second consultation, UCU submission, Apr 07
'Further, higher, better': UCU submission to the government's second Comprehensive Spending Review, Sep 06
UCU response to DTI consultation on increasing holiday entitlement 2006
Resolving disputes in the workplace - UCU response to DTI consultation 2007
Leading Health & Safety at Work: Actions and good practice for board members - UCU response to Institute of Directors 2007
Discrimination law review - response from UCU, submitted September 2007
ECHR judgement in the case of ASLEF vs. UK - UCU consultation response, Aug 07
Discrimination law review - response from UCU, submitted September 2007
Full UCU Scotland response to 'Joint Future Thinking Taskforce on Universities' taskforce interim report
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