UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
Building a fair and sustainable post-school education system: priorities for the next government - UCU 2024 general election manifesto
UCU Scotland priorities for the next UK government - UCU Scotland 2024 general election manifesto
UCU Cymru manifesto: Education for life - The UCU vision for education in Wales, Sep 09
UCU Cymru document outlining vision for new post-92 university
Making education work for all: UCU Cymru manifesto for welsh assembly elections 2016
UCU presentation to the ETUCE conference on our work towards tackling the climate emergency, 23 April 2021
Annual report on UCU's climate & sustainability work over 2020-21
Challenging LGBT+ exclusion in UK higher education, May 2021
Maniffesto UCU Cymru ar gyfer etholiadau senedd Cymru 2021
UCU Scotland manifesto for the Scotland parliament elections 2021
UCU's response to the Augar review of post-18 education and funding, June 2019
A report by UCU and Graeme Atherton on post-qualification application to university, January 2019
Precarious work in higher education the 2016-17 data tables, published June 2018
2015 data on precarious contracts in further education, published April 2016
UCu report into the use of insecure contracts in English further education, published May 2017
A parliamentary briefing for peers ahead of the Higher Education and Research Bill's report stage debate, March 2017
Higher Education and Research Bill - Commons report stage and third reading briefing, published November 2016
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