UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Guidance on how to respond to requests for educators to escort, supervise, search prisoners or sign prisoners into education, April 2020
UCU guidance on the Covid-19 self-employed income support scheme
A report and guidance for higher education branches on protecting jobs from the financial impact of Covid-19
Covid-19 hazards and controls: considerations for ongoing scrutiny and implementation of risk assessments in FE
Covid-19: Returning to work and health & safety – a note for UCU branches on the legal position
Considerations for ongoing scrutiny and implementation of risk assessments in HE
Advice to HE branches to inform discussions with employers about any future return to the workplace
A short guide for branches on building anti-racist workplaces
Information sheet to assist branches and members in understanding how ableism impacts on disabled people's lives
Information sheet to assist branches and members in understanding how ableism impacts on disabled people's lives
UCU manifesto for the employment of postgraduate researchers
Quick guide to 'decarbonise and decolonise 2030' and the COP26 campaign, June 2021
Covid health and safety update for branches and members, July 2021
UCU position on relaxation of national restrictions and prison education, July 2021
Covid-19: Ventilation at work guidance, September 2021
A guide for UCU members on how to help the fight against casual contracts in the workplace and how every member can play a part in challenging casualisation
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