UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Debate: transfer of DEL Functions - extracts from Hansard Report, May 12
Adolygiad o lwyth gwaith darlithwyr addysg bellach Diweddariad i Bartneriaethau Cymdeithasol Lleol, Gorffennaf 2023 - CYM
Example individual risk assessment template from the Northern Ireland Health & Safety Executive
PDF of letter sent by the minister for FE and lifelong learning to UCU about awarding A4e contracts to run prison education
Joint Trade Union Wales newsletter: all Wales contract negotations update, Mar 13
Joint manifesto for the Love Our Colleges campaign
Scottish Charter on Academic Freedom
Secretary of State for Scotland, Alister Jack, response to UCU'S concerns about the end of on asymptomatic testing, 14 April 2022
SFC allocations 2013
Excel file
SFC indicative grants 2011
STUC submission for Task force presentation
Teacher Education in a Climate of Change: The Way Forward, DEL, Jun 10
Review of FE lecturer workload Update to Local Social Partnerships (LSPs), July 2023 - ENG
Minister letter agreeing to invite all trade unions onto initial teacher training stakeholder group, 25 November 2015
Wales joint trade union paper on workload for the principals' meeting in May 2017
Joint trade union report from a survey into student behaviour in Wales FE colleges, October 2019
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