UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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UCU response to the HEFCE consultation: 'Teaching funding and student number controls', Oct 11
UCU response to consultation document
UCU response to consultation document
UCU Scotland Response to SFC Draft corporate plan 2009-12
UCU analysis of Scottish Funding Council allocations 2009
UCU response to Developing a Regional Dimension to the Planning and Delivery of Higher Education, Apr 10
Who will pay more under a graduate tax?, UCU report, Aug 2010
UCU Cymru submission to the review of higher education governance in Wales, Nov 10
UCU Cymru submission to the review of further education governance in Wales, Nov 10
Estimate of tuition fees needed to replace proposed funding reductions, Dec 10
Estimate of tuition fees needed to replace proposed funding reductions, Dec 10
Scottish funding announcement for HE 2008-11: preliminary analysis, Nov 07
Further education means business: consultation on policy proposals, UCU Northern Ireland response, Nov 07
Consultation on the review of higher education in further education, including foundation degrees, UCU consultation response, Nov 07
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