UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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UCU general secretary: winning the dispute 2023 strike action strategy
'Challenges for the next parliament - how would YOU make our universities and colleges even better?': AUT/NATFHE 2005 election manifesto, Apr 05
'Teaching and the student experience', Higher Education Academy consultation: UCU response, May 08
Poster reading 'UK universities are international - let's keep them that way'
Autumn 2019 issue of the academic-related, professional staff newsletter
Spring 2019 issue of '...and-related', the newsletter for academic-related, professional staff in higher education
...and related, the newsletter for academic-related professional staff, spring 2020
Newsletter from UCU's academic-related professional services staff committee, spring 2022
The newsletter from the academic-related professional services staff committee, November 2021
Responses to HSE stress questionnaire by higher education institution, UCU 2008 occupational stress survey, Dec 08
2012 occupational stress survey – data for higher education institutions: DEMANDS
2012 occupational stress survey – overview, results and data for HEIs: DEMANDS
2012 occupational stress survey – results for higher education institutions: DEMANDS
2012 occupational stress survey – the Demands stressor: higher education
Guidance from UCU Scotland on employees' individual and collective rights on health & safety issues for in-person working in HE
Critical worker status in higher education in England - guidance for members and branches, January 2021
Employees' individual and collective rights on health & safety issues - updated information for members in HE, January 2021
Advice to HE branches to inform discussions with employers about any future return to the workplace
Key worker status in higher education in Scotland - guidance for members and branches, January 2021
UCU tests for safe returns to on-campus working in higher education
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