UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Joint union bilingual leaflet on the FE funding campaign 2015
Joint union bilingual poster for the FE funding campaign 2015
'FE colleges, the frontline under pressure?', UCU/LSN, Apr 08
UCU response to 'raising expectation' consultation, Jun 08
Bilingual (Welsh/English) 'Sorry we missed you' note for the 2018 Wales 'overworked and underpaid' ballot
Ken Spours, IoE, presentation to UCU Congress 2008
Poster reading 'UK colleges are international - let's keep them that way'
UCU Cymru reponse to the DES consultation: '14 -19 Learning Pathways policy: The way ahead', Dec 13
FE England joint trade unions: five tests to be met before any onsite learning or working can begin
Five Ws: question areas to inform discussions about a return to work in FE branches, May 2020
Critical worker status in further education in England - guidance for members and branches, January 2021
Critical worker status in further education in Wales - guidance for members and branches, January 2021
A charter for professional respect in further education
UCU's manifesto for further and higher education in Northern Ireland, March 2010
the 'ten-point' charter download file
UCU Cymru response to 'A vision for a new youth strategy for Wales 2013-2018' consulation
PDF version of UCU's newsletter for adult and community education staff, published October 2011
Word version of UCU's newsletter for adult and community education staff, published October 2011
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