UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Briefing on the Teachers' Pension Scheme, 30 November 2018
Guidance from the Commission for Black Staff in FE on staff development for black and other minority ethnic communities
A summary of key points and recommendations from the summative report of the UCU FE Transforming Lives project
UCU analysis of LSC budgets and planned learner numbers 2007-8 to 2010-11, Dec 07
UCU charter for REAL jobs and apprenticeships, November 2018
UCU comment on 'Further education means business'
UCU Cymru briefing on key education pledges of new Welsh assembly leader, Carwyn Jones, Dec 09
'Defend lifelong learning against savage cuts: Fight for the future of FE': UCU newsletter on the FE funding cuts
Mini campaign checklist for the UCU Cymru 'Overworked and underpaid' dispute
UCU Wales response to draft budget
UCU Cymru reposnse to the 'Tertiary Education and Research Commission for Wales' consultation, July 2018
UCU Cymru response to the curriculum for Wales 2022 consultation consultation, October 19
Brief Consultation Response - Modification of The Specification of Apprenticeship Standards for Wales (SASW)
UCU Cymru response to the Welsh government draft budget 2020-21 consultation, October 19
UCU Cymru submission to the review of further education governance in Wales, Nov 10
UCU Cymru submission to the review of higher education governance in Wales, Nov 10
UCU Cymru policy on junior apprenticeships approved by the Further Education Sector Committee, June 2019
UCU evidence to Education Select Committee on the OFSTED Annual Report, 2013
UCU evidence to the UK parliamentary education committee inquiry into teacher recruitment, training and retention, June 2023
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