UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
UCU’s priorities and principles in relation to teaching in further education, published November 2015
UCU briefing on restructures and mergers in further and adult education: resisting cuts and rationalisation, published October 2015
LLUK draft workforce strategy for the further education sector in England, 2007-2012: UCU response, Oct 07
Joint union bilingual leaflet on the FE funding campaign 2015
Joint union bilingual poster for the FE funding campaign 2015
UCU policy briefing: FE college funding 2010-2011, published May 2010
PDF version of UCU's policy briefing on FE college funding 2010-2011, published May 2010
PDF version of UCU's policy briefing on UCU and NUT activity at local level on 16-19 provision, published May 2010
UCU policy briefing: Analysis of the emerging policies from the main parties – HE in FE, published January 2010
UCU report on the whole college behaviour policy project, published February 2o13
UCU's submission to the Commission on Adult Vocational Teaching Learning, in January 2013
UCU analysis of LSC budgets and planned learner numbers 2007-8 to 2010-11, Dec 07
Ken Spours, IoE, presentation to UCU Congress 2008
UCU response to DfCS consultation 'promoting achievement, valuing success: a strategy for 14-19 qualifications', Jun 08
Statement from the National Joint Forum on shared services, January 2010
Lesson observation: UCU principles and position
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