UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Section 6, contacts and resources, of the UCU caring for the carers guide, published May 2016
Caring for the carers: a UCU guide for members and reps, published May 2016
Case study: Liverpool UCU branch Green New Deal bargaining claim, September 2022
Graphics of some equality and casualisation information from HESA stats 2017-18
CAUT letter to the UK prime minister over Hicham Yezza and Rizwaan Sahir, 3 June 08
Richard Lambert, CBI director-general, UUK speech, Dec 07
Leaflet calling for a 'Ceasefire Now' in Gaza
Poster with 'Ceasefire Now' and Palestine flag
'CEASEFIRE NOW' wording on Palestinian flag background
UCU briefing on challenging anti-Muslim racism - PDF version
UCU briefing on challenging anti-Muslim racism - Word version
Equality guidance for branches and reps on challenging bullying and harassment, published October 2016
Challenging discrimination - how to build an effective case: a toolkit for members, February 2020
Challenging LGBT+ exclusion in UK higher education, May 2021
Keynote speech by Monique Fouilhoux, Deputy General Secretary, Education International, to the Challenging the Global Market in Education conference, 9 May 09
Keynote speech by Professor Jane Kelsey from the University of Auckland to the Challenging the Global Market in Education conference, 9 May 09
Themes and outcomes from the workshop discussions from the Challenging the Global Market in Education conference, 9 May 09
Challenging the market: the rise of the private sector in adult and vocational learning, Aug 10
Report on the rise of the far right by Stand Up to Racism and UCU
Report on the rise of the far right by Stand Up to Racism and UCU
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