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How do I learn more about being on the committee?

Most UCU branches/local associations have a committee that meets regularly, so make enquiries about your local committee and find out when they meet. Your branch or local association may have its own website with this information. Alternatively you can find out local contact details on the UCU website.

The best way of finding out about the work of a committee is to go along to one of their meetings as an observer. Some people feel intimidated by the idea of getting involved with the work of the committee. But committees are made up from people just like you. If you are unsure, there are lots of ways in which you can support your local committee without joining it immediately. If you have a particular area of interest such as fixed-term contract or part-time issues, equality or health and safety, for example, you could offer to be a liaison or contact for the committee. This is a good way to help your committee, by making sure they get information and reports on a regular basis.

UCU training courses also provide you with an opportunity to learn more about committee work and what it involves. UCU training courses are held in a variety of regions, click here to see which course would best suit your needs.

If you're new to committee work, there is also lots of advice to help you with building your local branch here:

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