How do I find out what's happening in my local branch?
Your first port of call to find out about your local branch would usually be your local rep. If you have a workplace rep, ask them about what the local union is doing.
It's possible that you may not have a rep or can't contact them. If this is the case, contact your local committee. You can use the national website to get contact details for your committee. They will always be interested to hear from you.
Also, check what forms of communication your local association/branch uses. Are there notices on the noticeboards? Does your branch produce a newsletter?
If you would like to see how your committee works, you could ask to attend a committee meeting as an observer. Ask your branch secretary about this.
Find out when the next general meeting is being held and go along to it. Turn up early and see if any committee members are around that you could talk to – or e-mail them beforehand and arrange to meet. One of them might have time after the meeting to update you on branch activity.
- If you felt it was quite difficult to find out what your local branch is doing then you might want to offer to help raise your union's profile. Get help with this here
- Find out who to contact in your branch
- To build the union in your workplace and in your branch, you can download guidance here:
Rebuilding a branch: A checklist for action [36kb]
Branch health check exercise [157kb]
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