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LGBT+ Charter for Equality, Liberation and Solidarity

UCU LGBT+ charter

29 October 2024

LGBT+ people and rights have endured increasingly negative attacks and negative press attention in recent years. UCU is strong in our support of all LGBT+ rights backed by years of policy passed by UCU members at our annual Congress. 

There are many UCU reps and members interested in doing something to support our LGBT+ members, and students. However, UCU members and reps report patchy understanding of, and action to support, LGBT+ members at branch level. So, we need to find constructive ways of organising and campaigning for LGBT+ rights at branch level.

UCU LGBT+ charter

UCU LGBT+ charter [288kb]

This is even more the case in the context of ongoing challenges faced by LGBT+ people.

The aim of the charter is to identify actions that branches can take to promote LGBT+ equality and liberation.  

UCU LGBT+ forum

Branches will be provided with a way of feeding into the national UCU LGBT+ support for this charter by way of a UCU LGBT+ forum. This forum will be open for branch LGBT+ reps or, where there is no specific LGBT+ rep, another rep who is leading on LGBT+ equality.

The forum will enable us to establish what actions branches are taking and what questions/barriers branches have in their LGBT+ work.

For branches that sign up for the charter there are some UCU LGBT+ lanyards and a section on the charter site that notes what branches have signed up. To sign your branch up to the charter please complete this form.

See also our range of CPD courses >

International LGBT+ fringe @ 2024 TUC LGBT+ conference

International LGBT+ fringe event at the TUC LGBT+ conference which took place on Friday 28th June. Speakers were Lainie Keper, Education International, and Muwonge Gerald, Foaster Foundation for Healthcare Uganda. Chair was David Murphy, UCU member and member of TUC LGBT+ committee. There is a link for donations related to the work of Foaster Foundation which is an LGBT+ led HIV prevention organisation in Uganda.

LGBT+ International webinar

Muwonge Gerald, Foaster Foundation, Uganda, shared a link for donations related to their work for Foaster Foundation which is an LGBT+ led HIV prevention organisation in Uganda.

LGBT+ Migration webinar

See also the presentation LGBTQIA+ refugees & asylum seekers in Greece [8mb] from Eleni Hadjigeorgiou.

LGBT+ History webinar

LGBT+ Health webinar

Trans and Non-Binary awareness: experiences and issues

This November 2023 webinar saw presenters talking about research and action in areas relating to experiences and issues around Trans and Non-Binary awareness.

Count me in: LGBT+ data now

Held in October 2023, the second in the series of UCU LGBT+ webinar looked at issues related to LGBT+ data collection.

Moving beyond the binaries of sexual attraction: bi, pan and queer sexualities

Held in September 2023, this was the first in a new series of UCU LGBT+ webinars.

UCU guidance

UCU Intersectionality guide cover

  UCU gender identity equality guide cover
UCU intersectionality guide [113kb]  UCU gender identity equality guide [127kb]
UCU LGBT+ language guide cover   UCU LGB rights guide cover
UCU LGBT+ language guide [101kb]  UCU LGB rights guide [129kb]
Trans and non-binary guidance cover   LGBT+ flags - a timeline - booklet cover
UCU Trans and Non-binary guidance [6mb]  LGBT+ flags - a timeline [1mb]
Last updated: 15 November 2024