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Rhiannon Lockley (Birmingham City University)

31 January 2020

Election address

What I stand for:

Equality belongs at the heart of our union. I'm energised by the pickets this winter and support the centralisation of equality and casualisation in our disputes. We must build from this and fight for an education system which values all of us: we have to dismantle the hierarchies which trap women, disabled workers, LGBT+ workers, Black and migrant workers at the bottom with lowest pay and least security.

We must end the practice of shutting down dissenting voices and strike leaders from our most marginalised workers. We must defend educational access for all.

I'm a lone parent, a foundation year lecturer and a doctoral researcher at BCU. I work with amazing students in health, education and life sciences, whilst studying the journeys of working class adult students. My background prior to HE is Access education: I am proud of my FE roots.

I am a Labour Party member, an antifascist, and a feminist influenced by intersectional feminism and Marxism. I am a UCU left backed candidate: this means I will support member-leadership, industrial action, and centralising equality in UCU decision-making. I will continue to report fully on meetings and engage transparently with members about how I vote.

My record:

Won national UCU backing for policy on:

  • Trans rights;
  • Sex worker rights;
  • Equality strand officers on regional committees
  • Intersectionality, including separate times for conferences for members from different equality groups

Reinforced commitment to:

  • Abortion rights;
  • Adult education;
  • ESOL;
  • Challenging racism;
  • The national education service;
  • Defending migrants

It was an honour to play a central role in the election of UCU's first Black presidential candidate Nita Sanghera and I'm proud to have her endorsement.

Branch representation:

  • Successfully challenged impact of timetabling on workload
  • Introduced facility time
  • Institutional commitment to UCU sexual harassment policy
  • Support for refugees
  • Support for DV training and services
  • Extensive case work experience

I have led a branch through a local dispute over victimisation and through parallel pay disputes outside of national bargaining.

I am active in the community and will always support mobilisations against attempts to intimidate.  My community record includes collectively driving the Trump funded anti-choice march for life out of Birmingham, organising large mobilisations against the bedroom tax and the DUP deal. I value working with student groups and sister unions.

Trade union service:

Branch Secretary: Halesowen College 2013-18; BCU 2019+

West Midlands Region: Women's officer 2011-14, 2017-18, Chair 2014-17

Women Members Standing Committee: 2013-19

UCU Women's Conference delegate: 2011-19

Women's TUC delegate: 2014-18

NEC: 2017-19

TUC delegate: 2017-18

It is a privilege to represent members. If you elect me I will work hard with you to grow our union and honour that privilege. Whoever you vote for, please vote!


Last updated: 29 January 2020