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Equality webinars

18 March 2021

Links to all UCU equality webinars held since July 2020 covering equality issues.

See also our range of CPD courses >

LGBT+ International webinar

Muwonge Gerald, Foaster Foundation, Uganda, shared a link for donations related to their work for Foaster Foundation which is an LGBT+ led HIV prevention organisation in Uganda.

LGBT+ Migration webinar

See also the presentation LGBTQIA+ refugees & asylum seekers in Greece [8mb] from Eleni Hadjigeorgiou.

LGBT+ History webinar

LGBT+ Health webinar

UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: What's at stake?

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), is a human rights instrument with an explicit, social development dimension, that moves the narrative from viewing disabled people as 'objects' of charity, medical treatment and social protection to viewing disabled people as 'subjects' with rights, who are capable of claiming those rights and making decisions for their lives based on their free and informed consent as well as being active members of society.
This event discusses the importance of the UNCRPD and provides an update on the UN Committee's inquiry into the UK government's response to implementing the convention and actions you can take.

Trans and Non-Binary awareness: experiences and issues

Count me in: LGBT+ data now

Moving beyond the binaries of sexual attraction: bi, pan and queer sexualities

George Floyd memorial event

UCU held its online George Floyd memorial event, organised by the UCU Black members' standing committee, on Thursday 8 June.

The theme of this year's event: What has changed since the death of George Floyd?

Institutional racism in the police is alive and kicking. Is it time for abolition?

We were grateful to our esteemed panel of guests including Mandu Reid, leader of the Women's Equality Party; Dr Benjamin Ajibade, Northumbria University; Nabila Mallick and Chantelle Lunt.

The politics of disability 

UCU's disabled members' standing committee, in conjunction with UCU's CPD team, hosted an online discussion around 'the politics of disability' on Wednesday 24 November.  With speakers, Ellen Clifford, award-winning author of The War on Disabled People, Themesa Neckles, vice chair of UCU's disabled members' standing committee and chaired by Lucy Burke. The webinar addresses the importance of understanding the political and social landscape of disability, UCU's approach, and the role of all UCU members and allies in the fight for disability equality.

Decolonising our institutions

Liberating education begins with understanding the links between an imperial past and a corporatist present.

Creating a fully inclusive education system

For disabled people to be able to participate fully in all areas of society, requires a change to structures and strategies. Education is the key driver for these changes as we fight to protect our future.

Practical guide to equality bargaining

This online discussion is about putting equality at the heart of UCU's bargaining agenda.

Supporting migrant staff in education

From rising immigration costs to restrictive visa requirements, migrant members in colleges and universities face a set of unique challenges, many of which are being exacerbated by the Covid-19 crisis. Join members of the migrant members' standing committee and UCU's equality team for a discussion on how we can meet the needs of migrant members and campaign for change on key issues.

Systemic racism and how to survive it

This webinar identifies what we mean by 'systemic racism'. Speakers include colleagues from sister education unions including Michelle Codrington-Rogers, the first black national president of the NASUWT and UCU contributors from FE, HE and prison education. This webinar leaves members with clear strategies to both recognise and challenge systemic racism in all its forms.

Chair: Victoria Showunmi (UCU NEC, chair UCU BMSC and equality committee, vice-chair HEC)

Mapping LGBT+ progress

Reviewing Progress Towards LGBT+ Equality and Liberation to Date, and Looking Ahead. The first in a series of events focusing on progressing a LGBT+ liberation agenda now.

Black and disabled workers' health and safety

The Covid-19 crisis has seen particular challenges for black and disabled workers. ONS statistics found that between March and July 2020, 59% of all deaths involving Covid-19 during this period were disabled ('Coronavirus (COVID-19) related deaths by disability status, England and Wales: 2 March to 14 July 2020') while black males are 4.2 times more likely to die from a Covid-19-related death and black females are 4.3 times more likely than White ethnicity males and females. (Coronavirus (COVID-19) related deaths by ethnic group, England and Wales: 2 March 2020 to 10 April 2020).

This webinar looks at the issues facing black and disabled workers during the current pandemic and ways in which members can raise health and safety issues and use tools to ensure a safe workplace.

Decolonising 2 - capturing the student experience

In the second of a series of webinars on 'decolonising education', the black members' standing committee looks at the students and ex-students point of view on the curriculum. Black students have been asking why is our curriculum white and when will institutions decolonise themselves. Following on from previous discussions students and ex-students are asked to share their experience and ask how staff and students can work together to shape the agenda and create change.

Contributors: Sukhi Bath, Ilyas Nagdee, Nwanneka Osammor, Kemi Ryan and NUS President, Larissa Kennedy Chair: Julianna Ojinaka

Trans Awareness Week: tackling barriers to trans and non-binary equality

A look at some of the key challenges to trans and non-binary equality in post-16 education and beyond. Featuring a range of speakers drawing on personal experiences and academic research, the event considers how we can work together to help further trans and non-binary inclusion, equality and liberation at all levels, from the global to the local.

Day of action: organising disabled workers

Covid-19 has disproportionately impacted on disabled workers from being denied reasonable adjustments to being the first to be made redundant and in line with our theme for this year 'Organising for Disabled Workers' is a webinar to mark UCU's 3rd year of action for disability equality.

This event was chaired by Elane Heffernan, UCU NEC and chair of the disabled members' standing committee, with contributions from Themesa Neckles, vice chair of UCU disabled members' standing committee, Ann Galpin, co-chair TUC disabled workers' committee (NUJ) and Colleen Johnson (NEU). The webinar includes a BSL interpreter.

Day of action: everyday ableism

Ableism is discrimination in favour of non-disabled people. It is based on an assumption that the physical, cognitive and sensory differences with which disabled people live with are deficits, and it is rooted in the medical model of disability that assumes that disabled people need to be 'fixed'. It is manifest in physical, environmental and attitudinal barriers that exclude and stigmatise an entire group of people as 'less than'.

This webinar explores, what ableism is; recognising it and how to challenge it. The event was chaired by Themesa Neckles, vice chair of UCU's disabled members' standing committee with contributions from Elane Heffernan, NEC and chair of the disabled members' standing committee, Lucy Burke, NEC and disabled members' standing committee and Michelle Daley, Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE). The webinar includes a BSL interpreter.

Brexit and immigration: ask the lawyers

UK has officially left the EU and freedom of movement has come to an end, with major implications for EEA nationals living in the UK. This webinar has immigration experts at Bindmans LLP discussing about the new immigration arrangements for international staff, and how they might be impacted.

Community accountability and racial justice

An antiracism for abolitionist times: The webinar looks at the role education institutions play in perpetuating racism. Community accountability seeks to transform education from a system of state racism to a community resource. Join Gargi Bhattacharyya, NUS president Larissa Kennedy and Ümit Yildiz as we map out an organising plan to create a process of ongoing community accountability.

LGBT+ and mental health

This event focuses on LGBT+ mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic, parallels with the peak of the HIV and AIDS epidemic and why LGBT+ mental health is a union issue.

LGBT+ liberation in the contexts of hostility

Across the world there are increased attacks on the lives and rights of LGBT+ people. This includes here in the UK with increase in hate crimes etc. In this webinar we explore how to take action for LGBT+ liberation when living in a world where such hostility exists. This event is in the lead up to the international day against LGBT+ phobias - IDAHOBIT which is an annual event every 17th May.

Ask the Lawyers: EU Settlement Scheme

This session will hear from UCU's immigration lawyers, Bindmans, about the EU Settlement Scheme. As the 30 June deadline for applications approaches, come along to hear more about the scheme's requirements.

Ask the Laywers: skilled worker route

Following the introduction of the new points based immigration system, this session will be a chance to hear from Bindmans lawyers on how the new skilled worker route is working in practice and have your questions answered.

Last updated: 31 October 2024