UCU condemns 'endemic culture of bullying' at Imperial
3 February 2022
Responding to the full publication of the report into bullying at Imperial College London, UCU London Regional Official Barry Jones said:
'It is shameful that President Alice Gast and CFO Muir Sanderson still remain in post after being found to have bullied staff and treated them with such disrespect. UCU members report an endemic culture of bullying at Imperial, a culture which hits marginalised staff the hardest. This makes it all the more shameful that Professor Gast not only keeps her job, but continues to take home over £500,000 per year. Sadly, this systematic disregard of the dignity and wellbeing of staff by management is all too familiar across the university sector.
'The first step towards redressing this culture of discrimination and intimidation is for senior management to be held properly to account.'
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