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Representing individual members: an introduction to casework: 11 December 2024, Online, South West region

This is a course for reps who are new to representing individual members or those who are considering becoming more involved in the direct representation of individual and groups of members. Those who have been practicing for some time may also find this course to be a useful refresher of best practice.

Representing courses

Course details

Nation/region:South West region
Course meeting dates: 11 December 2024

Please ensure you can attend the entire course prior to submitting your application  form. Please further ensure you have secured time off from your employer to attend.
Course meeting times:

9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Online with regular breaks and away from screen time

Course time commitment:7 to 10 hours - including pre & post course work.

Course content

In this course you will look at the following areas:

  • UCU legal support scheme 
  • the role of the rep
  • effective communication with members seeking advice and representation
  • sources of support and information for members seeking representation
  • the importance of using individual cases for collective organisation and describe the circumstances and ways in which this can be done
  • how to develop a collaborative approach with the member and manage their expectations
  • confidentiality and conflicts of interest
  • your own rights and take care of your own well being when handling personal cases
  • how your institution/employers policies and procedures relate to individual representation
  • systems for dealing with individual casework in your branch
  • online communication with members and issues raised by the Covid-19 pandemic
UCU courses are funded via members' contributions and public funding.

Information Facility time

Online courses are no different to face-to-face courses in terms of time off for training. Time off for training is a right and one which should be exercised as part of normal industrial relations. For more info please see  Facilities and time off for UCU reps.

When you apply for a course we will assume that are making a commitment to attend the course as advertised, and have secured time off from your employer. Please contact your branch/region if you are having problems securing time off.

Important Before you complete this form, please be aware: You may be asked to register with the delivering college in which your trade union tutor is employed. Where colleges are drawing down funding for delivery you will be ask for your passport or equivalent identification details to register. This is a demand of the college who are following government requirements in order to satisfy public funding criteria. This is not a requirement UCU want to see and we are lobbying for change. However, as it stands, if you do not register with the college, your place will not be fundable.