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Strike action in 2023: have your say!

13 December 2022

Today we have released a video which you can watch on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.

It sets out how you can get involved in making final decisions on the plans for strike action in the New Year. 

The Higher Education Committee (HEC) met in November and agreed two things for 2023: 

  • A marking and assessment boycott to begin in January
  • An all out strike and indefinite strike action to begin in February. 

We are currently putting plans in place to implement these decisions, but we want to let everyone know that prior to any of this action taking place, every single member, rep and branch will have the chance to input into the final decision. Many things have changed since November and as every union does, it is right to be constantly taking stock of the situation.

We will produce a paper next week which will contain the decisions of the HEC and some alternative strategies based on escalating the dispute with blocks of action named in February, March and April, winning a re-ballot, working with other unions, delivering a dynamic media strategy, increasing membership and building our fighting fund. This will offer us a better chance of delivering change in our sector, in my view - but ultimately it is your view that counts.

A branch delegates meeting will be held on January 10 and a Higher Education Committee has been called for January 12.

I look forward to sharing the paper with you next week and start the debate now. Contact your branch, contact the HEC, contact UCU HQ

This is your union. This is your action. This is your dispute. This will be your victory. 

In solidarity.

Last updated: 18 January 2023