UCU Rising 2023 - winning the dispute
20 December 2022
Last week we opened the biggest democratic consultation that this union has ever seen on our next steps in the UCU rising campaign and the action we call in 2023.
As part of these discussions, I am today setting out a potential strategy for escalating action in the New Year. This strategy is based on escalating the dispute with blocks of action named in February, March and April, winning a re-ballot, working with other unions, delivering a dynamic media strategy, increasing membership and building our fighting fund. This is how we will win the dispute in my view - by keeping our members together and remaining agile.
We want the widest ever discussion in our union on how we take forward the next steps of this dispute. Every single member, representative, and branch deserves a say. Ultimately of course, our HEC will decide the path we take, but we know that like all of us, they will welcome the highest possible levels of democracy, engagement, and membership input to allow them to make the most informed position possible in early January.
Branches from across the UK are calling membership meetings to invite input before a Branch Delegate Meeting (BDM) on 10 January. It is crucial that you attend those meetings, either in person or online. You can also let us know your views on this strategy and action more generally by emailing your branch, the HEC, or us at UCU HQ.
Thank you for your support in 2022, none of us should take lightly what we have been able to achieve together this year. Our role now is to take the next step and win the dispute - with your support that's exactly what we are going to do.
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