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UCU announces £250,000 defence fund to back members

5 May 2023

We have agreed to ringfence £250,000 for members facing deductions for undertaking forms of ASOS, including the marking and assessment boycott.

Last week I informed you that the higher education committee (HEC) had backed:

  • increasing the levels of support available for members engaged in the marking and assessment boycott (MAB)
  • continuing action, including industrial action if necessary, to support members facing punitive pay deductions for participating in the marking and assessment boycott.

Today I wanted to update you on further steps we have taken to protect you and maximise pressure on the employer: 

  • we have agreed to ringfence £250,000 for members facing deductions for undertaking forms of ASOS, including the marking and assessment boycott. I will update you on how to claim from this fund as soon as that process is agreed
  • we are in contact with our national and international networks to encourage donations to the fund
  • we are encouraging members not active in the marking and assessment boycott to donate part of their salary.

It is clear a strong industrial and collective approach continues to be the most effective tool we have for pushing back on the threat of punitive pay deductions. We have seen it work with employers who are incrementally stepping back from 100% deductions.

Branches have been informed of a simple and streamlined process to call action. You will be called to an urgent branch meeting if your branch has adopted this approach. If the branch, in a quorate meeting, agree to action our Higher Education Officers can authorise it.

The union can and will also use the law where possible to defend members facing punitive pay deductions. You all know though, the laws of the UK are stacked against workers. It is our action that will win this dispute.

You have our backs. We have yours.

In solidarity

Jo Grady
UCU general secretary

Last updated: 23 May 2023