UCU news from 2006
23 August 2006
The results of the second National Student Survey (NSS) released today reveal that around 80 per cent of students are satisfied with their course. UCU joint general…
17 August 2006
Commenting on today's A-level results, University and College Union joint general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: 'Today should be a day for celebration for the thousands…
11 August 2006
Staff at a Hertfordshire college have been spared from the Hobson's choice of taking a pay cut or redundancy, after successful negotiations between the University…
3 August 2006
The number of complaints lodged by students against their universities doubled in 2005, according to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education's…
28 July 2006
After lobbying by UCU, prison educators have won guarantees that the cost and value of their pension will remain effectively unchanged despite a change of employer.…
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