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Funding council's call for London Met heads to roll makes governors' positions untenable, says union

23 November 2009

UCU today said that the position of many of the board of governors at London Metropolitan University had become untenable after the funding council wrote to the chair of the governors giving them six days to consider their positions.

Responding to the letter sent from Sir Alan Langlands, chief executive of the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and seen by The Independent newspaper, the union said that swift action was needed if the university was to stand any chance of getting through the current crisis.
UCU general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: 'The Melville report, coupled with the HEFCE letter, makes the position of many of the board of governors untenable. Those who failed to hold the autocratic management to account, in particular the chair of governors, the chair of the audit committee and the executive managers who were part of the discredited vice-chancellor's inner circle, are heavily criticised in the report, which rightly recommends new leadership.
'Nobody will have confidence in the university until there has been a proper shake up at the top. We have maintained from the beginning of this crisis that there needed to be a full independent inquiry. Although the report took longer than we would have liked, the most important thing now is that decisive action is taken with regards to its findings and recommendations.'
Last updated: 11 December 2015
