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Staff at universities across Scotland strike on Thursday

23 March 2011

Members of the UCU across Scotland will be on strike on Thursday in a row over pay and changes to staff pensions as part of a national day of strike action at universities across the UK.

Staff in 15 universities^ across the county will walk out in row over a second consecutive real-terms annual pay cut and lack of an agreement on job security. Further for 9 universities, members are protesting plans for greater pension contributions from staff, reduced pension benefits and an increase in the pension age in the USS pension scheme.

UCU members will be on picket lines across Scotland from 8am with many branches joining together to hold regional rallies* in Aberdeen, Glasgow and Stirling.

UCU members' action in Scotland is part of the first UK-wide strike action in universities for five years. The union has received the support of the National Union of Students, despite the likely disruption to their members' studies.

UCU general secretary, Sally Hunt, said: 'Strike action is always a last resort but the attacks on pay and jobs have created real anger and, instead of burying their heads in the sand, the employers need to respond urgently to our concerns. University staff really value their pension rights and those in the USS scheme in Scotland have made their views of the detrimental changes crystal clear.

'Staff are sick to the back teeth of being told that their pay and pensions need to be cut to pay for an economic crisis created by others.'


^15 Scottish Institutions taking part in the action are:
The University of Aberdeen
The University of Dundee
Abertay Dundee University
The University of Edinburgh
The University of Glasgow
Glasgow Caledonian University
Glasgow School of Art
Heriot-Watt University
Open University
Queen Margaret University
Robert Gordon University
The University of St Andrews
Strathclyde University
The University of Stirling
The University of the West of Scotland


Glasgow rally

Adelaides, 209 Bath Street, Glasgow at 12 noon
Speakers include:
Grahame Smith STUC General Secretary;
Mike Kirby Scottish Secretary UNISON/ STUC Vice President
Dave Anderson President Glasgow UCU
Kelly Temple NUS Women's Officer

Aberdeen rally

Trades Council Building, 24 Adelphi, AB11 5BL from 12.30pm

Speakers include:
Richard Baker MSP
Lesley Macintosh President UCU Scotland
Robin Parker President Elect NUS Scotland

Stirling rally 

Albert Halls at 11am
Speakers include Gordon Watson, President Elect of UCU Scotland

Last updated: 11 December 2015
