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2016 events

Information about events organised or supported by UCU during 2016.

19 November 2016: United for education

National UCU and NUS demo for education in London held on 19 November 2016

UCU's third 'Cradle to Grave' Conference

UCU's third major conference on the defence of public education

TUC #heartunions week

A week of activities in February celebrating the great work done by trade unions and highlighting our rejection of the Tory government's Trade Union Bill

Second convention for higher education

UCU is supporting a one-day conference on the HE green paper on Saturday 27 February at University College London.

'Not quite so simple: living on an intersection'

UCU is supporting the Forum in organising an LGBT+ research and practice conference being held in Manchester to explore stories and issues related to identity, intersectionality and multiple oppression.

The role of education institutions in tackling climate change

UCU/NUS academic conference on education and climate change

Manchester May Day Festival 2016

UCU is again pleased to sponsor the annual Manchester May Day festival.

Why FE matters - the case for lifelong learning

Speakers include: Gordon Marsden, shadow minister for lifelong learning; Natalie Bennett, Green Party leader; Nick Linford, FE Week interim editor and founder of LSECT; Liz Lawrence, UCU president; Kevin Courtney, NUT deputy general secretary.

London May Day 2016

Join the fight against the trade union bill/anti-union laws • Fight austerity and the cuts • Celebrate those who keep Britain working • Make 1 May a public holiday.

Public launch meeting: 'In defence of public higher education: knowledge for a successful society': the alternative white paper for higher education

Speakers: Professor John Holmwood (University of Nottingham, CPU), Professor Lucie Clapp (University College London, CDBU), Dr. Joanna de Groot (York, Vice President UCU), Dr. Rachel Cohen (City University London, CPU), Tom Hickey (University of Brighton, CDBU), Gordon Marsden MP (Shadow HE minister, Labour Party), Carol Monaghan MP (Scottish Nationalist Party), John Pugh MP (Liberal Democrat Party). Hosted by Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell MP.