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Tomorrow's strike action at Hull College deferred following positive talks

Tomorrow's strike at Hull College has been deferred following positive talks between the college and UCU.

UCU members were set to walk out in a row over redundancies affecting up to 142 staff, but have postponed the action by a week until Thursday 20 October. The union said talks were ongoing and it remained optimistic that the dispute could be resolved without the need for industrial action.

UCU members overwhelmingly backed industrial action, with 86% of staff who voted backing the walkout, and 96% committing themselves to action short of a strike. The action short of a strike was due to start on Friday and would have seen union members strictly working their contracted hours and refusing to undertake any voluntary duties. That action has also been deferred to allow for further talks.

UCU regional official, Julie Kelley, said: 'Tomorrow's strike and Friday's action short of a strike have both been deferred following positive talks today and to allow for further talks. Industrial action is always a last resort and we remain optimistic that this dispute can be resolved without the need for action.'

Since 2011, the college has lost 385 jobs through redundancy. The latest proposals came despite a promise from the college management after the most recent redundancy round that no more job losses would be required in the near future.