Latest developments
18 April 2018
UCU members have been updated on the latest developments in the USS dispute by UCU general secretary Sally Hunt.
Following the result of the USS consultation she told members:
Earlier this week UCU met UUK to discuss practicalities around the setting up of the joint expert panel (JEP) agreed to by members. The Head of Higher Education will initially report back to the superannuation working group (SWG) and then to the higher education committee (HEC) where issues of principle will be discussed and the union's final approach agreed. HEC meets on 27 April.
Many members have contacted me to ask how they can apply to be members of the JEP or to provide a submission to it. Following HEC I will write to set out the application and selection process. I have no doubt that the JEP will want to welcome submissions given the level of expertise that exists within the membership.
Finally, many members have asked about the status of the union's call to stand down from external examining (EE) duties. Now that the industrial action is suspended, the call to withdraw from EE duties is also suspended. I wanted to say thank you to all those members who withdrew from EE activities in support of the union.
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