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The Journal of Further and Higher Education

4 June 2006

Published for UCU by Taylor and Francis, the Journal of Further & Higher Education is an international, peer-reviewed journal containing articles and book reviews representing the whole field of post-16 education and training.

The journal encourages debate on contemporary pedagogic issues and professional and policy concerns within the UK and abroad.

For example there have been recent articles on: barriers to learning for mature students studying HE in an FE college; social and cultural tensions international students experience having studied at British universities; social network sites and student-lecturer communication; further and higher education teachers' responses to diversity; sustainable leadership and the implication for the general further education college sector.

The Journal of Further and Higher Education is committed to:

  • promoting excellence by making a substantial contribution to teaching, management and policy development;
  • providing a forum for discussion on areas of management and administration, teacher education and training, curriculum, staff and institutional development, teaching, learning and assessment strategies and processes, and pedagogic research and the research-teaching interface;
  • an accessible, succinct style and format with contributions from staff across the spectrum of further and higher education and training.

Members with a subscription can activate online access here.

You can subscribe to the Journal of Further and Higher Education here.


Mary Meekings

Last updated: 17 September 2024