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Joint union memberships

15 March 2016

UCU has a number of joint membership arrangements which can help if you need membership of other unions for work that's not within the further or higher education sector.

RCOT (BAOT)  •  BECTU  •  BOS   •  CSP  •  Musicians' Union
 NUJ  •  RCM  •  RCN
  •  SCP  •  SOR

RCOT logo Royal College of Occupational Therapists (formerly BAOT)

Under the terms of the joint membership agreement Unison RCOT members eligible to join UCU do not have to pay any national or local subscription. This is remitted to UCU by UNISON.

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BECTU logo Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph & Theatre Union (BECTU)

Any members of BECTU engaged in the field of educational technology and employed on university academic or academic related scales may become a member of both associations on a dual membership basis. Eligible applicants should complete the standard full UCU application and pay the national and local subscription rates appropriate to the income derived from the university employment. They should then inform BECTU that they are joint members in order to benefit from the BECTU concessionary rate on their subscription (BECTU, 373-377 Clapham Road, London SW9 9BT; tel: 020 7346 0900).

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Musician's Union logo : This link opens in a new window Musicians' Union

Under the terms of the joint membership agreement with the Musicians' Union, you will benefit from a 25% discount on the standard UCU national subscription if you are a full paying member of the Musicians' Union. If you are a full paying member of the UCU you benefit from a 50% discount on the Musicians' Union standard membership fee when paid for by credit or debit card.

Once you have completed a UCU application you need to contact the Musicians' Union to complete any necessary documentation.

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NUJ logo National Union of Journalists (NUJ)

Under the terms of the joint agreement with National Union of Journalists (NUJ), members should pay the UCU national and local subscription based on their earnings. When UCU membership has been confirmed, members requiring joint membership with NUJ should contact them to confirm they are a UCU member. The NUJ will give such joint members a discount on the NUJ subscription.

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BOS logo British Orthoptic Society (BOS)

CSP logo Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)

RCN logo Royal College of Nursing (RCN)

RCM logo Royal College of Midwives (RCM)

SCP logo Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (SCP)

SOR logo Society of Radiographers (SOR)

Under the terms of the joint membership agreements with BOS, SOR, SCP, CSP, RCN and RCM, joint members benefit from a 25% discount on the standard UCU national subscription and 25% discount on the other organisations standard subscription.

Once you have completed a UCU application you need to contact the other organisation to complete any necessary documentation.

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You can find the joint union subscription rates here

Last updated: 7 December 2018