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News feeds and RSS

18 October 2006

UCU has added news feeds to our site to enable you to easily keep up-to-date with new and revised content.

feed-icon-news All UCU headlines

feed-icon-fe Latest FE news

feed-icon-he Latest HE news

What is RSS?

RSS is short for Really Simple Syndication. It uses an XML file that can be read by special feed reading software or a web service you can use from your web browser. Put the address of one of our web feeds into your reader, and it will display the latest headlines, each one with a synopsis and link that will take you to the full story.

That means you can easily keep up-to-date with the latest UCU news and information. Because feed readers automatically look for updates and display them for you it's quicker than revisiting the UCU website to check for updates.

How to view RSS feeds

To view our web feeds you need software called a feed reader or aggregator. This may be a separate programme although many web browsers are now able to read feeds. Feed reader software checks the feeds and lets you read any new articles that have been added.

Some browsers, including Firefox, Opera and Safari, automatically check for feeds for you when you visit a website, and display an icon when they find one. This can make subscribing to feeds much easier. For more details on these, please check their websites.

Browser-based news readers allow you to see RSS feed subscriptions from any computer, whereas separate programmes can let you download the feeds onto your computer.

Different news readers work on different operating systems, so you will need to choose one that will work with your computer.

Add UCU feeds by clicking one of the links above; depending on the feed reader you have, you may need to copy or drag the URL of the feed (from the address bar on your web browser) into the reader.

Sharing the UCU feeds

If you run your own website you can display the latest UCU headlines on your own site using RSS.

Please ensure that when UCU content appears the proper format and credit, eg 'UCU latest', 'UCU HE latest' or '', is used. 

We reserve the right to prevent the distribution of UCU website content and UCU does not accept any liability for its feeds nor do we guarantee their availability. All title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and to the UCU feed shall remain UCU's property. Editorial integrity and the control of UCU content is the sole responsibility of the UCU. Any enquiries which relate to UCU or the UCU content should be referred to the UCU web editors.

UCU content may not displayed on websites which: incite hatred whether based on race, religion, gender, sexuality or otherwise, or promote encourage or facilitate anti-social behaviour; promote, encourage or facilitate violence; promote, encourage or facilitate terrorism or other activities that risk UK national security; discriminate against any specific social group or otherwise exploit vulnerable sections of society; promote, facilitate or encourage illegal activity; which are misleading, pornographic, defamatory, or that contain illegal, or otherwise actionable content under UK law; or which infringe individual privacy.

Last updated: 1 April 2019