UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
UCU Cymru's response to the Wales HE funding council's consultation on Quality Assurance Framework, May 2022
UCU response to the UK government consultation on alternative arrangements for the award of VTQs and other general qualifications in 2021
UCU response to the UK government consultation on how GCSE, AS and A level grades should be awarded in summer 2021
UCU response to the parliamentary education select committee inquiry into prison education: are prisoners being left behind?, January 2021
UCU response to the givernment's justice white paper: a smarter approach to sentencing, October 2020
Joint UCU, AoC & SOS-UK letter urging the government to invest in a retraining revolution in FE, Jul 20
UCU Scotland submission to the Scottish Government consultation on Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill, March 2020
UCU Wales response to the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales review of part-time provision at higher education providers, January 2020
UCU evidence to the skills commission inquiry: future of the skills system, May 2019
UCU submission to the Labour policy forum on local accountability and the national education service, June 2019
A paper setting out UCU's principles and priorities for the creation of a National Education Service, March 2018
UCU's response to the Department for Education review of post-16 qualifications L3 and below.
Allegation by UCU against the UK government in respect to non-compliance with the 1997 UNESCO recommendation concerning the status of higher education teaching…
UCU's response to the revised Concordat consultation, December 2018
UCU's response to the Labour Policy Forum's consultation on the National Education Service
UCU's response to the BEIS consultation on increasing transparency relating to working practices
UCU response to the BEIS consultation on enforcement of employment rights
UCU's response to the BEIS consultation on employment status
UCU's response to the BEIS consultation on agency workers, May 2018
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