UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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UCU Cymru response to the 'Sustainable Wales Better Choices for a Better Future' consultation
'Further, higher, better': UCU submission to the government's second Comprehensive Spending Review - summary, Jul 06
'Further, higher, better': UCU submission to the government's second Comprehensive Spending Review, Sep 06
UCU response to the 'meeting the low carbon skills challenges' consultation
UCU response to 'raising expectation' consultation, Jun 08
'Teaching and the student experience', Higher Education Academy consultation: UCU response, May 08
UCU response to DIUS consultation on a new right to request time off for training, Sep 08
UCU response to DIUS consultation on a new right to request time off for training, Sep 08
UCU Cymru reponse to the DES consultation: '14 -19 Learning Pathways policy: The way ahead', Dec 13
UCU Cymru response to 'A vision for a new youth strategy for Wales 2013-2018' consulation
UCU response to ACAS draft Code of Practice on discipline and grievance, Jul 08
Response to accelerated courses and switching consultation, October 2016
UCU Cymru response to the CYPEC consultation on the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Bill, March 2017
UCU Cymru response to the 'Aligning the apprenticeship model to the needs of the Welsh economy' consultation, submitted April 2015
UCU tabled questions to the Northern ireland Assembly on the Belfast Metropolitan College cuts
BIS review of offender learning - UCU response, Oct 10
UCU Scotland response to Gillian Mackay MSP buffer zones consultation response
UCU response to the QAA consultation on changes to the Academic Infrastructure, Mar 11
UCU response to the QAA consultation on changes to the Academic Infrastructure, Mar 11
UCU Cymru response to the Children, Young People and Education Committee priorities consultation, submitted August 2016
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