UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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UCU policy briefing: Changes in post 16 education post LSC, published May 2010
UCU policy briefing: Young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs), published May 2010
UCU policy briefing: Funding – suggested questions for management, published May 2010
Education online: UCU guidance for branches, published June 10
PDF version of UCU's policy briefing on defending the foundations of excellence: University title, academic standards and the reputation of UK higher education,…
UCU policy briefing: Defending the foundations of excellence: University title, academic standards and the reputation of UK higher education, Jpublished June 2010…
PDF version of UCU's policy briefing on academies, published August 2010
UCU policy briefing: Academies, published August 2010
PDF version of UCU's branch briefing on the 2010 equality act
Word version of UCU's branch briefing on the 2010 equality act
PDF version of UCU's policy briefing on the impact of student satisfaction surveys on staff in HE and FE institutions, published October 2010
UCU policy briefing: The impact of student satisfaction surveys on staff in HE and FE institutions, published October 2010
PDF version of UCU's policy briefing on the Comprehensive Spending Review, 20 October 2010: Abolition of the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA), published Nevember…
UCU policy briefing: The Comprehensive Spending Review, 20 October 2010: Abolition of the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA), published Nevember 2010
PDF version of UCU's policy briefing on the coalition education white paper and HE based teacher education, published Nevember 2010
UCU policy briefing: Coalition education white paper and HE based teacher education, published Nevember 2010
Equality and Human Rights Commission briefing for for FE and HE institutions
UCU briefing paper: Higher education in further education colleges, published December 2007
'Should universities and colleges sponsor academies?', UCU branch briefing, published May 2008
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