UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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UCU health and safety factsheet on 'Blackberry thumb' (Word version)
H&S guidance for UCU reps on the Westminster government's 'Living with Covid' policy
'Temperature in indoor workplaces', extract workplace regulations approved code of practice
10-point plan: Statutory time off for safety reps functions (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on statutory time off for safety reps functions
Critical worker status in further education in England - guidance for members and branches, January 2021
Critical worker status in further education in Wales - guidance for members and branches, January 2021
UCU guidance on the Covid-19 self-employed income support scheme
UCU guidance for agency workers during the Covid-19 crisis
Advice to HE branches to inform discussions with employers about any future return to the workplace
Health & safety guidance for UCU reps - removal or relaxation of public health measures, January 2022
Key worker status in higher education in Scotland - guidance for members and branches, January 2021
UCU guidance on the Coronovirus job retention scheme (furloughed staff) - revised 17 June 2020
Booklet from the HSE for new and expectant mothers who work
Information sheet to assist branches and members in understanding how ableism impacts on disabled people's lives
Information sheet to assist branches and members in understanding how ableism impacts on disabled people's lives
Accessibility as standard checklist - A. Working conditions
Accessibility as standard checklist - A. Working conditions
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