UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Green New Deal: bargaining objective 2: Industrial relations – recognition of green reps, facility time and procedures, March 2021
Tool kit from UCU Cymru to assist branch health and safety reps when planning to carry out risk assessments.
A brief history of key legislation underpinning LGBT+ rights and protections in the UK
This paper sets out guidance for the conduct of union business by branches and regions/devolved nations during the Covid-19 pandemic.
UCU guidance on the Covid-19 self-employed income support scheme
A report and guidance for higher education branches on protecting jobs from the financial impact of Covid-19
Covid-19 hazards and controls: considerations for ongoing scrutiny and implementation of risk assessments in FE
UCU Scotland tests for safe returns to on-campus working in HE, June 2020
Return to work and Health & Safety: note on the legal position in Wales
Covid-19: Returning to work and health & safety – a note for UCU branches on the legal position
UCU tests for safe returns to on-campus working in higher education
FE England joint trade unions: five tests to be met before any onsite learning or working can begin
Considerations for ongoing scrutiny and implementation of risk assessments in HE
Advice to HE branches to inform discussions with employers about any future return to the workplace
A short guide for branches on building anti-racist workplaces
UK government funding announcements on higher education - UCU briefing, July 2020
Information sheet to assist branches and members in understanding how ableism impacts on disabled people's lives
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