UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
Building a fair and sustainable post-school education system: priorities for the next government - UCU 2024 general election manifesto
Details of the agreement reached at the Open University to move Associate Lecturers on to permanent contracts, September 2022
Briefing paper briefing paper summarising the key sections in the CEART report, including important recommendations on issues such as university governance and…
UCU Cymru paper on adult (community) learning as a priority issue within the manifesto for the 2021 Welsh assembly election, Octiober 2019
UCU briefing document on the dispute with Novus, May 2021
Equality briefing for members during the current coronavirus period
UCU Scotland manifesto for the Scotland parliament elections 2021
UCU response to the givernment's justice white paper: a smarter approach to sentencing, October 2020
UK government funding announcements on higher education - UCU briefing, July 2020
A report and guidance for higher education branches on protecting jobs from the financial impact of Covid-19
Equality briefing for members during the current coronavirus period (Word format)
UCU guidance for members on working from home and teaching online in light of the Covid-19 crisis, March 2020
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