UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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UCU health and safety factsheet covering practical steps to ensure internet safety
UCU health and safety factsheet on ensuring internet safety (Word version)
Post-92 governance - letter of protest to secretary of state, John Denham, Mar 09
Information sheet for agency workers, March 2009
UCU letter to the Learning and Skills Council on member terms and conditions, March 2009
Early careers survey: the key issues facing UCU members at the start of their careers, April 2009
PDF document containing directions to UCU's head office in Carlow Street, London
Keynote speech by Professor Jane Kelsey from the University of Auckland to the Challenging the Global Market in Education conference, 9 May 09
Keynote speech by Monique Fouilhoux, Deputy General Secretary, Education International, to the Challenging the Global Market in Education conference, 9 May 09
Building international solidarity: A multilateral international agreement to defend education against global marketisation
The Robin Hood Tax: a guide to digital resources
Letter to Willets - subprime education report & UK privatisation, Sep 10
Word version of the summary of UCU's submission to the government's 2010 spending review, published October 2010
PDF version of the summary of UCU's submission to the government's 2010 spending review, published October 2010
UCU letter in support of the campaign to reform libel laws, Jan 11
UCU health and safety factsheet on the Control of Asbetos Regulations 2006, updated February 2011
Withdrawal of funding for equivalent or lower qualifications (ELQs)
Dictionary of further and higher education in the UK
House of Lords debate on education: adult learners, 3 Dec 07
UCU health and safety factsheet on asbestos diseases and their regulation (Word version)
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