UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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UCU health and safety factsheet on hot water systems (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on marking online (Word version)
PDF of letter sent by the minister for FE and lifelong learning to UCU about awarding A4e contracts to run prison education
UCU Cymru document outlining vision for new post-92 university
Age Equality Frequently Asked Questions
Charter for the treatment of casualised staff
UCU health and safety factsheet on 'Blackberry thumb' (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on fire precautions (Word version)
Making the case for public investment in post-16 education, Mar 14
UCU health and safety factsheet on competent persons for health and safety (Word version)
PDF file 'In the matter of the prevent duty guidance consultation for the University And College Union', Robert Moretto, Old Square Chambers
Online marking factsheeet
Online Marking Factsheet
UCU letter calling on the secretary of state to halt plans to make BPP a university
UCU health and safety factsheet on risk assessments, updated April 2014 (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on violence at work
UCU health and safety factsheet on violence at work (Word version)
PDF UCU health and safety factsheet on mouse infestations
PDF document outlining UCU's democratic structure
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