UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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Disruption to work caused by inclement weather - UCU guidance
HIV in the workplace - A UCU guide for challenging discrimination and supporting equality, Nov 09
Join a climate action group - example leaflet
Climate action group - first meeting letter example
UCU health and safety factsheet on home visits (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on home visits (PDF version)
UCU briefing on the fit note
PDF UCU briefing on the fit note
UCU health and safety factsheet on student numbers and workstation layout in craft workshops, updated September 2015
UCU health and safety factsheet on HSE inspectors and UCU safety reps (Word version)
Equality Act 2010 - Public Sector Equality Duties: briefing
Equality Act 2010 - Public Sector Equality Duties: briefing
Anti-stress and bullying week 2011: branch briefing
UCU health and safety factsheet on overcrowding in classrooms (Word version)
UCU health and safety factsheet on interactive whiteboards (Word version)
TUC Safety representatives and safety committees
Introducation to what unions do
PDF leaflet about our work to stop bullying in education
UCU workplace stress leaflet
Poster about stress levels showing a steaming pressure gauge
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