UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
UCU Cymru response to the consultation on 'Proposals for the disciplinary functions of the Education Workforce Council and a new code of professional conduct and…
UCU Cymru response to the 'registration fees for the education workforce in Wales' consultation
UCU Cymru response to proposals re co-investment in post-19 adult skills
UCU Cymru response to proposals re dissolution of FE corporations
UCU Cymru response to proposed arrangements for the appointment of members to the Education Workforce Council
UCU Cymru reponse to the DES consultation on school term dates regulations, Feb 14
UCU Cymru response to the DES consutation 'Proposed amendments to the Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2006', Feb 14
UCU Cymru response to the Wales TUC Silk Commission, Feb 13
UCU Cymru response to the future delivery of education services in Wales, Feb 13
UCU Cymru response to the DES consultation: Revised guidance on safeguarding children in education
UCU Cymru response to the review of ITT in Wales, Mar 13
Joint Trade Union Wales newsletter: all Wales contract negotations update, Mar 13
UCU Cymru response to the 'Inquiry into Educational Outcomes for Children from Low Income Families' consultation
UCU Cymru response to the Higher Education (Wales) Bill 2014: Technical consultation
UCU Cymru response to the Education (Wales) Bill 2014 consultation
UCU Cymru response to 'A vision for a new youth strategy for Wales 2013-2018' consulation
UCU Cymru reponse to the DES consultation: '14 -19 Learning Pathways policy: The way ahead', Dec 13
UCU NI response to the 'Sharing works: a policy for shared education' DENI consultation
UCU NI response to the Department for Learning's consultation on the 2015-16 draft budget
UCU NI response to the 'Review of Apprenticeships'
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