UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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UCU manifesto for the Northern Ireland Assembly election 2016
UCU's manifesto for further and higher education in Northern Ireland, March 2010
UCU tabled questions to the Northern ireland Assembly on the Belfast Metropolitan College cuts
Consultation on the review of higher education in further education, including foundation degrees, UCU consultation response, Nov 07
Debate: transfer of DEL Functions - extracts from Hansard Report, May 12
UCU NI response to the Department for Learning's consultation on the 2015-16 draft budget
Briefing on different legislation and approach to equalities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, published May 2016
Briefing on different legislation and approach to equalities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, published May 2016
Dissolution of the DEL: Request for comment from Office of the First and Deputy First Minister
UCU comment on the Draft department of Employment and Learning budget
UCU comment on the draft department of Employment and Learning budget
Example individual risk assessment template from the Northern Ireland Health & Safety Executive
Further Education Colleges - Review of Governance: Comment by the University and College Union, Feb 11
Further Education Colleges - Review of Governance: Comment by the University and College Union, Feb 11
Further education means business: consultation on policy proposals, UCU Northern Ireland response, Nov 07
UCU CSR 2007 submission section 06, published September 2006
UCU NI comment to the ministerial advisory group on the advancement of shared education in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Assembly - sub-group on economic challenges: UCU comment, Oct 06
UCU NI response to the Northern Ireland Teachers' Pension Scheme consultation
UCU NI response to the public consultation on zero hours contracts
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