UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
PDF of UCU Scotland's response to the 'Consultation paper on a higher education governance bill'
UCU Scotland response to the Smith Commission on the devolution of further powers for the Scottish Parliament
UCU written evidence on Scottish code of governance
UCU submission to Governance review panel
UCU Scotland submission to higher education governance review
UCU Scotland Response to SFC Draft corporate plan 2009-12
Full UCU Scotland response to 'Joint Future Thinking Taskforce on Universities' taskforce interim report
UCU Cymru submission to the review of further education governance in Wales, Nov 10
UCU Cymru submission to the review of higher education governance in Wales, Nov 10
UCU Cymru response to draft regulations for collaborative arrangements between FE institutions and FE institutions and schools, Sep 08
UCU Cymru response to 'Skills that work for Wales' consultation, Apr 08
UCU Cymru response to the 'Framework for intervention in further education institutions' consultation, Apr 08
UCU Cymru response to 'Proposals for learning and skills (Wales) measure 2008' consultation, Apr 08
UCU Cymru response to the consultation 'Learning Country 2'
UCU Wales response to draft budget
UCU response to consultation document
UCU response to consultation document
UCU Cymru submission to the review of further education governance in Wales, Nov 10
UCU Cymru submission to the review of higher education governance in Wales, Nov 10
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