UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
UCU Cymru response to the draft higher education strategy to 2026, submitted November 2016
Suggested questions for Welsh Assembly election candidates 2016
Making education work for all: UCU Cymru manifesto for welsh assembly elections 2016
Guidance from UCU Scotland on employees' individual and collective rights on health & safety issues for in-person working in HE
UCU's response to the UK government's prisons strategy white paper, February 2022
Written evidence submitted by UCU to the UK parliamentary education select committee inquiry into the future of post-16 qualifications, January 2022
UCU Wales: failure to agree notice issued to employers over the part time hourly permanent contract, November 2021
Wales FE negotiating committee recommendations on the employment of part time hourly paid lecturers, 16 July 2021
UCU response to the review of post-16 qualifications at level 2 and below in England, Oct 22
UCU response to the DfE consultation on FE funding and accountability, 21 September 2022
UCU response to the UK government consultation on reforms to further education funding and accountability, October 2021
UCU's response to the UK government's review into the Initial Teacher Education market, September 2021
UCU response to the UK government consultation on the National Skills Fund for England, September 2021
Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act: English letter to stakeholders, September 2022
Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act: Welsh letter to stakeholders, September 2022
Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act: English summary, September 2022
Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act: Welsh summary, September 2022
Analysis of the July 2021 survey of members on Covid-19, August 2021
UCU submission to the Scottish Funding Council review of coherent provision and sustainability in further and higher education, 10 August 2020
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