UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
UCU response to the DfE consultation on FE funding and accountability, 21 September 2022
UCU response to the UK government consultation on reforms to further education funding and accountability, October 2021
UCU response to the UK government consultation on the National Skills Fund for England, September 2021
UCU letter to David Hughes, chief executive AoC, on Covid-19 testing, April 2022
FE England joint trade unions: five tests to be met before any onsite learning or working can begin
Five Ws: question areas to inform discussions about a return to work in FE branches, May 2020
Critical worker status in further education in Wales - guidance for members and branches, January 2021
Critical worker status in further education in England - guidance for members and branches, January 2021
Covid-19 hazards and controls: considerations for ongoing scrutiny and implementation of risk assessments in FE
UCU policy briefing on vocational education, published February 2014
UCU's letter to college principals on phase three of the workload project, 6 July 2021
Wales workload project - chair's recommendations, May 2021
Wales workload steering group terms of reference, 12 March 2021
Wales workload review - joint trade unions' letter to minister for education ans Welsh language,14 July 2021
Wales workload review - project specification document, 12 March 2021
Post-qualifications applications: how we can make it work, Prof. Graeme Atherton, April 2021
Covid-19 bulleting for FE members from UCU's Yorkshire & Humberside regional office
Poster reading 'UK colleges are international - let's keep them that way'
Joint UCU, AoC & SOS-UK letter urging the government to invest in a retraining revolution in FE, Jul 20
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