UCU publications
Searchable archive of UCU reports, publications and other resources.
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UCU Cymru response to the 'New professional standards for further education teachers and work-based learning practitioners' consultation, July 2017
FE: a new era
UCU Cymru response to the Finance Committee – Welsh government draft proposals for the 2017/18 budget, submitted November 2016
UCU Cymru response to the 'Framework for intervention in further education institutions' consultation, Apr 08
Further and adult education: responding to a new economic and social climate, Mar 09
UCU report on the stress and well-being survey of staff in further education, published June 2013
UCU CSR 2007 submission section 02, published September 2006
UCU policy briefing on the government's plans for English and maths qualifications, published November 2016
HE in FECs
Initial submission from UCU to the Independent Review of Professionalism in the Further Education (FE) and Skills Sector, Jan 12
Initial submission from UCU to the Independent Review of Professionalism in the Further Education (FE) and Skills Sector, Jan 12
UCU Cymru response to the 'Inquiry into Educational Outcomes for Children from Low Income Families' consultation
Initial teacher training and continuing professional development in the learning and skills sector: an update. Dec 06
Joint Wales union response to the consultation on the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Bill, March 2017
Joint Trade Union Wales newsletter: all Wales contract negotations update, Mar 13
Guidance from the Commission for Black Staff in FE on recruiting, retaining and progressing staff from black and other minority ethnic communities
UCU Cymru response to the consultation 'Learning Country 2'
Leitch Report presentation
PDF format UCU lesson observation checklist
Lesson observation checklist
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