Part-time hourly paid - it's not fair! • Rhan amser a delir fesul awr - nid yw'n deg!
6 April 2021
UCU Cymru's part time hourly paid - it's not fair! campaign is about addressing the issue of casualisation in further education in WalesUCU Cymru played a significant role in negotiating the
We need your stories! The purpose of the agreement was to ensure that colleges recognise the responsibilities placed on them by the Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 and other legislation. Where part-time contracts are used, colleges will ensure that their use complies with the joint agreement for the employment of fixed-term employees (March 2015)
A review of the employment of part time hourly paid lecturers agreement and contract began in May 2021. 19 January 2022 The Wales Negotiations Committee for Further Education met on the 13 January 2022 and the part-time hourly contract was discussed. It is clear from the feedback from the principal's group that there is little movement. The sector is split on this issue. As you know some colleges already adhere to the changes, we are requesting be made to the national agreement on the employment of part-time hourly paid lecturing staff. ColegauCymru have employed Nicola Perkins to review the situation based on a terms of reference. We asked that the terms of reference and the final report be shared with the WNCFE. That was not agreed, but it was suggested that they may share a summary. Clearly, their failure to be transparent about their actions on this matter demonstrates their need to keep their actions hidden. Further discussion will take place with the joint trade unions, and a plan of action will be presented to constituent unions for agreement. 9 November 2021 UCU issued a
2 November 2021 The joint trade unions met with the principals' group in the Wales Negotiations Committee for Further Education (WNCFE) on 2 November 2021. The drafting subgroup of the WNCFE recommended the changes to the
Keep watching this space to find out who you can get involved in the campaign. 23 June 2021 Margaret Phelan, UCU Cymru official, updates members on the campaign so far. Many members, and non-members, have shared their experiences of employment on part-time hourly paid contracts and they are delighted that the focus of this campaign is about improving their working lives, with many pledging to share our campaign in their workplace. Margaret urged more part time hourly paid staff to come forward to tell their stories and let us know what a fractional/full time contract mean to you?' Email your story here. 12 April 2021 UCU Cymru official Margaret Phelan writes to members launching the campaign: Part-time hourly campaign / Ymgyrch Rhan Amser a Delir Fesul Awr (PTHP)
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