Social partnership in Wales
16 August 2019
Successive governments in Wales have found time and the resources to operate a social partnership with the employers and trade unions, this has resulted in progress in a number of areas, eg, the Ethical Employment in the Supply Chain and a Trade Union (Wales ) Act which prevented some of the worst aspects of the Westminster legislation being introduced in Wales.
The first minister's statement in plenary on 9th July 2019 outlines the plans to put social partnership on a statutory footing; embed 'fair work' through public procurement; effective system of monitoring and enforcement; implement recommendations of the Fair Work Commission and finally enact part 1 of the Equality Act 2010, the socio-economic duty.
Fair Work Wales: report of the fair work commission, Mar 19 [1mb]
Trade union involvement is organised and supported by the Wales TUC and the JTU side secretary is Martin Mansfield, the general secretary of the Wales TUC. The first meeting of the newly structured Workforce Partnership Council took place on 1st July 2019 and you can access the draft minutes here and the papers for the meeting are available below:
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