UCU response to Universities UK admissions review
13 November 2020
UCU welcomed the call by Universities UK (UUK) for a post-qualification admissions system after years of campaigning by the union. It was responding to UUK's 'Fair Admissions Review', which includes recommendations to end the current unfair admissions system.
UCU has been at the forefront of calls for reform having released a poll earlier in the year that showed school, college and university leaders want to reform university admissions. It has also published a report detailing how the admissions system could be overhauled, and highlighted that the UK is the only country to use predicted grades for university admissions.
UCU general secretary Jo Grady said: 'We are glad UUK has joined us in recognising the need to move to a post-qualification university admissions system. The current system is based on inaccurately predicted results and leads to those from less affluent backgrounds losing out. Allowing students to apply after they receive their results will help level the playing field and put a stop the chaotic clearing scramble. It will also prevent universities using so-called conditional unconditional offers, where an offer becomes unconditional if a student puts the institution as their first choice.
'Research shows that black and minority ethnic students, and those who were the first in their family to go to university want to see it changed. UCU and many sector leaders now agree the time has come for the UK to join the rest of the world and finally to move away from the current unfair system.'
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